About Us
The BrahmaVidya Foundation was established in 2005 under the auspices of His Holiness Sri Sri Shankara Vijayendra Saraswati Shankaracharya Swamigal of the ancient and historic Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham, with Sri Karthik Guruji as the Founder & Resident Acharya to impart traditional teaching of our scriptures in contemporary form.
Since inception, Sri Guruji has been conducting systematic teaching of our Shastras in 3 languages (English, Kannada and Tamil) to all seekers and aspirants. The mission that started in 2005 has continued to grow to meet more needs of the community we serve, and by the Grace of God and Acharya we have continued to make significant strides. Our efforts are laser focused on ensuring shared and collective wellbeing for the community
Brahmavidya Foundation Vision


The Path to Eternal Happiness starts with the Study of The Upanishads otherwise known as Vedanta (the final portion of the Vedas) which reveal the Absolute TRUTH.
Sri Adi Shankaracharya has written extensive commentaries on 10 Principal Upanishads. Kathopanishad is one of these 10 Principal Upanishads and holds a primordial and popular place amongs the Upanishads.
The Kathopanishad begins with a story of a small boy Nachiketas, approaching Lord Yama (the God of Death) to know the Absolute TRUTH.
Benefits of studying the Kathopanishad:
Understand the systematic step by step approach to Know the TRUTH
Apply insights and lessons that serve as a practical guide for daily living
Learn easy techniques and tools that help you find and stay in equilibrium for peaceful and harmonious living
Tap into the essence of timeless wisdom for deep, ever-lasting happiness
By studying the Kathopanishad in a systematic and structured manner under a competent and traditional teacher, you can learn how to understand, interpret and apply ancient wisdom in a modern and contemporary context.
Kathopanishad: Traditional Knowledge in Contemporary Form
Sign up for the FREE Kathopanishad digital-only course, a simple, systematic and structured program
English language with scriptural references in Sanskrit (no knowledge of Sanskrit required)
Open to all sthrees (women), purushas (men), and children above the age of 8
Delivered via live Zoom sessions
Sessions will focus on ensuring precise interpretation and essence of all mantras, with an overview of the concepts and underlying meanings
At appropriate junctures, references to other Upanishads, Brahma Sutras and Prakaranas will be provided
Participants will experience a unique learning experience where in addition to learning the chanting and meaning, you will learn the logical separation (pada vibhaga), and concordance or logical connection of words (anvaya)
𝗨𝗦𝗔 𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲: Wednesdays: 9 PM EST/ 8PM CST/ 6 PM PST; Saturdays: 9AM EST / 8AM CST / 7AM PST;
𝗜𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗮 𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲: Thursdays: 7.30 AM; Saturdays: 7.30 PM
Click here to register
Sandhyavandanam Course
Sign up for the current FREE Sandhyavandanam ONLINE Course
Understand the meaning of all the Sandhyavandnam Mantras in detail
Lectures in English language with scriptural references in Sanskrit (no knowledge of Sanskrit required)
Open to all sthrees (women), purushas (men), and children above the age of 8
Contextual references to relevant Vedic texts
Delivered via live Zoom sessions
Sessions will focus on ensuring precise interpretation and essence of all mantras / slokas, with an overview of the concepts and underlying meanings
Participants will experience a unique learning experience where in addition to learning the chanting and meaning, you will learn the logical separation (pada vibhaga), and concordance or logical connection of words (anvaya)
Sandhyavandanam Mantra Meanings:
𝗨𝗦𝗔 𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲: Fridays & Saturdays: 9PM EST / 8PM CST / 6PM PST
𝗜𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗮 𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲: Saturdays & Sundays: 7.30AM IST
Click here to register

Traditional Knowledge of our ancient wisdom in Contemporary Form
A systematic study of Vedanta Shastras includes study of 10 principal Upanishads, Srimad Bhagavad Gita & The Brahmasutras
Sri Guruji has completed the following courses:
Dec-2020 to Jun-2022: A detailed course study of the Taittiriya Upanishad
Dec-2021 to Nov-2024: A detailed course study of Srimad Bhagavad Gita
The lamp with OM, represents the Light of Knowledge of the Self as the Supreme Reality and is of the nature of Absolute Bliss
The palm leaves in the background represent the Timeless Wisdom
The sentence in this logo is an extract from Mundaka Upanishad, which conveys the inspirational vision of Brahmavidya Foundation -> Timeless Wisdom for Eternal Happiness (c), which is possible by Brahmavidya: the knowledge that has universal applicability
Vision: Ensure Digital reach of all aspects of the Timeless Wisdom: Karma, Karma Yoga, Upasana and Gnana to 1.5 Billion internet enabled English speaking global citizens, and there-by contribute to Global Peace, Harmony and Happiness
From time immemorial, the human quest for eternal, authentic happiness has led to various philosophies, theories, logic and practices. Brahmavidya Foundation has summarized this path to ‘Eternal Happiness’ into just two slides below, and this represents essence of the ‘Eternal Vedic Wisdom’